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17th Annual Golf Tournament
The Spur at Northwoods Golf Club
Columbia, South Carolina 29203
United States
Friday, October 04, 2024, 7:30 AM EST
Category: Events

The 2024 Annual SCPHA Golf Tournament will be held Friday, October 4th at the Spur at Northwoods in Columbia, SC.

Eligibility:  The SCPHA 2024 Golf Tournament is open to anyone.

Fee:  $75 per person.  Includes green fees, golf cart, range balls, and lunch. Registration/check-in/practice will be from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. The tournament will begin at 9:00 a.m. with a shotgun start. Lunch served after the tournament (starting at approximately 1:30 p.m.), followed by awarding of prizes.

Prizes will be given for:

  • $20,000 cash prize hole-in-one contest

(Professional golfers not eligible)

  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
  • Longest Drive (Men, Senior Men and Women) - $50 each
  • Closest to the pin - $50 on all par 3s.

 We will also have door prize drawings for everyone.

Cancellation Policy:  There will be no refunds for cancellations.  However, registration is transferable to another attendee or guest.  Cancellation/substitution requests must be received in writing (via e-mail) on or before September 25, 2024. In case of inclement weather on the originally scheduled date 10-4-24, SCPHA reserves the right to postpone the tournament and reschedule for a later date.  In the event of inclement weather on 10-4-24, SCPHA will refund the entry fee, unless play has started. Checks are subject to electronic conversion and automated recovery.

Register to Play


Contact: Richard Funderburk, 803-289-8117, [email protected]